“Infinite regression” is a topic that doesn’t come up in regular conversation, unless you are speaking to a fan of cosmological arguments. The basic premise of this apologetic is that everything is ultimately an effect of a first cause, which they believe must be God. An often sighted reason why there must be a singular… Continue reading God Given Infinite Regression
Author: Grundy
Why The Christian God Is Incompatible With Free Will
This post will attempt to express why the God of the Christian Bible is incompatible with the existence of free will. “Free will” can be a moving target in terms of meaning, so let’s open with definitions. Free will is the capacity of agents to choose. A choice is an act of selecting or making… Continue reading Why The Christian God Is Incompatible With Free Will
The Infideli Menu
As a proud son of a family of restaurateurs, I couldn’t help but notice a food service void. Where are all the philosophy of religion diners? More importantly, if there was one, what what it serve? Now we know.
The Cause of the Big Bang
At its heart, the cosmological argument for God says that anything that begins to exist must have a cause. Used in conjunction with the Big Bang Theory, apologists can rightly argue that our universe seems to have a point of origin and therefore a cause. As an atheist, I tend to not believe in a… Continue reading The Cause of the Big Bang
Asymmetrical Skepticism
Christians are skeptical. Christians, and theists in general, are skeptical of life arising from non-life and the universe originating from quantum fluctuations they’ve never observed. They don’t feel inclined to believe that consciousness as deep and self-aware as ours can arise through random mutations that are built upon and guided by only selective pressure. Don’t… Continue reading Asymmetrical Skepticism
Grounding Morality in Reason
Religious apologists often overlook secular reasons to be decent to our fellow man in order to make their arguments that morality can only be grounded in God. For them, I present these ten secular incentives to ground one’s morality in reason. Points one and two can be seen as a catch all and that all… Continue reading Grounding Morality in Reason
A Christian Science Camp Experience
Half way into high school I went to camp for the first time in my life. It was a Christian Science camp which would be a very odd choice if not for the fact that I was a Christian Scientist. The camp’s selling point to my parents was the promise to re-up my faith and… Continue reading A Christian Science Camp Experience
The Apologist’s Appeal To Conditional Morality
The moral argument for God requires the existence of a moral realism that can only be sustained by a deity. To argue that moral facts exist, the apologist finds commonality between himself and the nonbeliever by highlighting mutual condemnation of certain actions. Common agreement does not prove a moral fact’s existence, it only shows a… Continue reading The Apologist’s Appeal To Conditional Morality
The Tipping Doubt
The last god I believed in was the version of Jesus seen through the eyes of Mary Baker Eddy, an American women who attributed overcoming health issues to faith healing after homeopathic “medicine” failed her. The religion she founded, called Christian Science, framed sin and sickness as errors of thought and framed thought as an… Continue reading The Tipping Doubt
Deny Evolution? Explain Yourself.
Upon discovering that a theist denies the validity of the theory of evolution, I open with a question. Are you unaware that the fossil record and genetic code are evidence supporting evolution or do you not find said evidence compelling? If they say “I’m unaware,” I then explain the theory to the best of my… Continue reading Deny Evolution? Explain Yourself.